Fractions 2.0 now supports prime numbers up to 997, instead of 11.
The file is Pro-Compacted.
#### BINHEX free-text-103.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 25 May 92 06:39:17 PDT
From: (Mark Edward Zimmerman)
Subject: Free Text v.1.03 & Stack Indexer
appended below is the binhex'd compact'd archive for Free Text v.1.03,
my "large-scale real-time high-bandwidth free-text information
retrieval" Hypercard 2 stack toolkit ... included also is Stack
Indexer v.1.03, which lets you index and browse text from multiple
HyperCard stacks in situ (at the cost of extra disk storage for a tag
file). Free Text is free software (under the GNU General Public
License) and comes with full source code. It lets you build complete
inverted indices to arbitrarily-large text files, and then retrieve
from those files using indexed word lists, key-word-in-context views,
and full text extracts; it includes fuzzy proximity search and full
documentation (with a "guided tour"). Version 1.03 supersedes 1.02
and corrects minor typographical errors, etc.; happy v.1.02 users need
not upgrade (unless they want the Stack Indexer).... ^z
#### BINHEX gestalt-321.hqx ****
Date: 27 Feb 1993 15:40:11 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Gestalt XFCN 3.2.1
A HyperCard XFCN that returns extensive system & hardware info.
Downloaded from AOL. Please direct comments questions and suggestions to:
America Online: J5rson Internet:
CompuServe: 76675,1772 GEnie: J5rson
Watermark: 616.698.2310 Telephone: 616.949.0346
#### BINHEX get-addressing-mode.hqx ****
From: Thomas Fruin <>
Organization: Apple Chile
Date: Tue, 07 Jul 92 14:23:57 EST
Subject: GetAddressingMode XFCN - tells if Mac is in 24 or 32 bit mode
Some time back I asked the net for an XFCN to determine if a machine is
running with 24-bit addressing or 32-bit addressing. As Dan LaSota already
pointed out in an earlier digest, the GestaltLook! set of XFCNs include
that functionality.
While browsing on AppleLink I also found the GetAddressingMode external.
GetAddressingMode does exactly what its name implies and fills the above-
mentioned need. It's also shareware, so I'm submitting it to the archives.
-- Thomas Fruin Santiago, Chile
#### BINHEX guide-to-xcmds-12.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1993 18:21:41 +1300
Subject: [*] guide-to-XCMDs stack 1.2
Here is version 1.2 of Guide to XCMDs, a stack which reports
on what XCMDs and XFCNs are out there in the public domain.
(Actually it catalogues my own personal collection of downloaded
XCMDs, so it may be that there are some or many I don't know
about.) Does not contain any XCMDs but includes names and email
addrs of authors.
This version takes into account the newly released Dartmouth
XCMDs 4.0 and some other new interesting XCMDs.
Replaces guide-to-xcmds.hqx (in /info-mac/card/x).
Self-extracting archive.
Matt Neuburg =
#### BINHEX guided-paths.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 92 13:00:22 NZS
Subject: Paths in HyperCard (re-post -last may have been corrupt)
Here's (a hopefully corrected) guided Paths facility for HyperCard.
This enables authors to create a guided path through any number
of stacks and save any cards in any order into a linear path
that can be re-played later. Each card on the path can also
have meta-information associated with it that will be displayed in
a separate window if desired.
This may be a good facility for aiding novices through a system
when they don't know the navigational conventions used in different
stacks. They may use the path palette which provides a standardised
navigational interface.
A History function is also included that saves every card that is visited
in the system - whether it is on the path or not. This can be used
for direct navigation and it can also be used in the direct creation
of new paths using the langth of visit data as a criterion for
inclusion in a new path.
This is being released as "Friendly-ware :-)" which is explained in
the stack. Hope you like it.
I can be contacted at:
Alan Stenhouse
Computer Science Dept
Massey University
Palmerston North
New Zealand
Bye for now,
#### BINHEX hpopup-menu-32.hqx ****
From " (Jon Pugh)" Wed Sep 1 07:51:14 1993
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1993 23:31:55 -0800
From: (Jon Pugh)
Subject: [*] HierPopup 3.2
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
HierPopup 3.2
This is the latest version of the world's best popup menu XFCN.
It has boatloads of features, including the ability to set the
font and size and to use arbitrarily deep MENU resources. See
the stack for documentation and examples.
This update adds a parameter for the itemDelimiter which helps
Supercard and Hypercard 1.x users.
(408) 428-9767
#### BINHEX hpopup-menu-322.hqx ****
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 93 12:38:33 -0700
From: (Jon Pugh)
Subject: [*] HPopupMenu 3.2.2
HierPopup 3.2.2
This time for sure! My recent attempts at uploading this have
resulted in corrupted files somehow. I'm thinking of blaming
Eudora, but I think it's more likely to be the Apple Modem Tool
since I recently changed my settings. Ah well, more work to
figure things out.
Here's an XModem upload which definately isn't corrupted.
This is the latest version of the world's best popup menu XFCN.
It has boatloads of features, including the ability to set the
font and size, use color icons and to use arbitrarily deep MENU
resources. See the stack for documentation and examples.
This update fixes a long standing bug in the use of excessive
numbers of SICNs in the menus. It took years for anyone to
push it far enough to find this one. ;)
(408) 428-9767
#### BINHEX hyper-decision-tree-205.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 93 10:06:52 EDT
From: "Mr. Troy Kelley" <tkelley@HEL4.BRL.MIL>
Subject: HyperDecisionTree-2.0.5
This is the latest version of HyperDecisionTree. It fixes a serious bug
>From version 2.0.4 which would cause a stack to become damaged if
the cancel button was selected while creating a new stack for a non-expert.
For those of you who have never used HyperDecisionTree, it is a
non-inferential expert system shell which allows an expert to
create a decision tree of their knowledge and then save the
decision tree as a separate stack in order to give to users in need
of the expertise contained within the stack. The stack primarily
serves as an overview of the decision tree, allowing the expert to
follow questions and answers down the road to specific conclusions.
The expert can even display graphics as part of a conclusion.
Troy Kelley
#### BINHEX hyper-gasp.hqx ****
From: (Frank Besig)
Subject: No Subject!
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 93 14:28:03 PST
The file RHyperGASP Tour.SEAS is a color HyperCard( presentation which demonstrates some of the capabilities of HyperGASP*, a multimedia development tool for the Macintosh. It includes color images, sound resources, icon animations, and a sample QuickTime movie.
HyperGASP is an auto-scripting system which adds color and extends the multimedia power of HyperCard without requiring the user to program. HyperGASP employs an intuitive, informative dialog-based interface to guide users in the placement of media elements (graphics, images, sounds, QuickTime movies, color, videodisc sequences, and text.) It is designed to facilitate the making of interactive courseware and presentations. GASP features collections of buttons and exercise templates, an interactive quiz-maker, advanced text control, a Rsound composerS and sound library among its more than 30 utilities, each of which is described in the tour.
RABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! ... the best new product on the Mac this year!S Q Gary Dauphin, Senior Multimedia Engineer, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Requirements: HyperCard 2.0 or later, a color or grayscale monitor.
Checked for viruses with Disinfectant 3.2
Caliban Mindwear
6590 Camino Carreta
Carpinteria, CA 93013
805-684-7765 voice/fax
#### BINHEX hyper-macro-10.hqx ****
From " (David Sumner)" Wed Sep 8 02:44:04 1993
This is version 1.0 of ResGenie. ResGenie is a modeless resource utility for adding, copying, deleting, renaming, importing, and recording resources into HyperCard. You can move resources between *any* two files or the current stack and any other file. I
t supports standard compression for sound recording.
This stack is for anyone who wants to use color, sounds, QuickTime movies, and other resources that typically require ResEdit. Faster, simpler, better for quick HyperCard color authoring.
Way cool stack, $10 shareware.
By the way, I didn't write this stack. I just got it and had to upload it.
----- ResGenie 1.0.sea.hqx -------
#### BINHEX rich-text-format.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1993 20:13:40 -0400
From: (janet e abbate)
Subject: RTF XCMDs 1.3
Enclosed are three shareware XFCNs that deal with text in Rich Text
Format, which is usually used to transfer documents between word
processors while preserving formatting information. These XCMDs allow
HyperCard to exchange styled text with such word processors, Microsoft
Word in particular. They also allow you to copy styled text from one
HyperCard field to another, and to store styled text in variables.
These XCMDs only understand the subset of RTF that deals with fonts
and styles; they will ignore other formatting commands. The XCMDs only
run under HyperCard 2.0 or later. Think C source is included. This is
version 1.3, which corrects some bugs in version 1.2.
#### BINHEX rinaldi-externals-31.hqx ****
Date: 27 Feb 1993 14:57:27 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: rinaldi-externals 3.1
Rinaldi-externals 3.1 includes 127 of Frederic Rinaldi's freeWare XCMDs
and XFCNs, current as of 10-Feb-93, and fully documented. There are 8
new externals, 5 updates, icons identifying system dependencies
(Hypercard 2, System 7, Quicktime, etc.) and stack navigation buttons.
#### BINHEX rtf-10.hqx ****
Subject: RTFcard1.0.sea.hqx
From: Keith Bourgoin <>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 92 17:18:01 -0600
A HyperCard 2.0 stack for RTF importing done entirely in HyperTalk.
(This version to replace release ImportRTF1.0a)
#### BINHEX rtf-reader.hqx ****
Date: Sat, 19 Dec 1992 12:34:00 -0500
From: (janet e abbate)
Subject: RTF XCMDs w/ source
Enclosed is version 1.2 of some HyperCard XCMDs that can read and
write styled text in Rich Text Format (RTF). Think C source is
included. The main changes since the previous release are that the
XCMDs can handle text longer than 30Kbytes, and that they understand
more of the RTF produced by Word 5. This is shareware.
#### BINHEX run-osa-script-072.hqx ****
From: Bill Johnston <>
Subject: RunOSAScript XFCN for HyperCard 2.1
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1993 16:30:44 -0500 (EST)
Here is RunOSAScript XFCN v.0.72 for HyperCard 2.1, by Donald Olson.
It was originally included on an AppleScript beta CD; it is being
posted and submitted to the net archives with the author's permission.
The XFCN accepts an AppleScript in text form as an argument,
and executes the script if it is valid. It is probably easiest
to write, test, and debug AppleScripts using the Script Editor.
See the stack script and "Execute" button scripts for error checks
and calling syntax. The AppleScript example uses Finder 7.1.3 for
simplicity, but you can use any valid AS commands or scripts that
invoke other AppleScriptable software.
Requires AppleScript and HyperCard 2.1. AppleScript is included
with a tutorial book from BMUG called "The Tao of AppleScript",
ISBN 1-56830-075-1. I've heard that there is another Applescript
book by Danny Goodman that also includes the AppleScript software;
that book may be of interest to people who like Goodman's HyperCard
books, and those who intend to use AS with HC.
-- Bill Johnston (
-- 38 Chambers Street; Newark, DE 19711; (302)368-1949
#### BINHEX script-lister-hc.hqx ****
Subject: HyperCard Script Lister
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 93 21:28 +0200
This stack creates text files listing all the scripts in a given
stack. You can also get a list of all properties of all objects
in a stack. And you can have a list of all fonts assigned to